Why Does a Heartbreak Hurt So Much?

Why Does a Heartbreak Hurt So Much?


I feel today I am going to write the best blog among the ones I have written till date. Today I am going to share every single thing on this topic, Each and every stuff what I feel regarding this topic, Today I might even sound unprofessional and I am sorry for that now itself.

Heartbreaks are one of most common thing which our youth is facing. I don’t know whether It is too beautiful or too devastating and painful, I feel there are two types of heartbreaks and they are,

1:Heartbreak which we face even before getting into a relationship.

2:Heartbreak which we face after getting into a relationship.

In simple words 1st one is rejection, and 2nd one is when we feel cheated and all related stuff.

So In this article I am going to talk about the first one, because I don’t have any idea regarding the post one.

I personally feel Heartbreaks are too devastating and painful if you don’t know how to convert its energy into a positive stuff.

The type of heartbreak I am talking about is something which kills us every single day, we start feeling useless, we get frustrated without any reason, we feel like now their is no one who really loves us or is standing for us, we get upset over small. Things, basically this phase makes us weird and horrible.

Seriously Its so horrible that we can’t even sleep at nights, Actually What we exactly feel is like a rejected commodity which no one wants to take home with and rather wants it to be shifted or passed to someone else, I mean man  I love you, Its not a joke right that I can shift to someone else just because you don’t love me.

The biggest nightmare is that being mature enough to understand that, It is not someone else’s fault rather ours, Its our own imagination and actions because of which we face such situation and it is true because we love someone but its normal that the other one doesn’t and its not his/her fault because they don’t hold such feelings for us and understanding this is the biggest nightmare because again you start cursing your own self for such deeds.

Heartbreak makes you hollo from within, It is like a termite which starts eating you from inside. We can’t even resist the the person whom we love and the worse takes place when they start getting irritated from our such actions. we don’t  do things to hurt or irritate them, Its just we can’t resist them, which annoy them, we don’t do it deliberately its just we are so weak that we feel their need in our lives and start imposing ourselves to them.

We even sacrifice our self respect just to have our loved one’s presence in our life, We start giving them much more importance than ourselves, But seriously it is not our fault too, it is something called love which derives us to do that and we continue doing stuffs which annoys the other one.

A phase even arrives in this situation when we start feeling like It is better to get shot by the person on your chest than to live, because it’s that upper left part of our body which has screwed us so hard. I mean it might sound too stupid to cry hard for someone who even doesn’t bother about your existence in their life but these things happen, we think of them whole day and screw ourselves and they remain unknown to these things. But  I seriously want to tell the one’s who reject someone  is that its not their fault too, Its not them who should feel bad because they remain unknown to these things.

Basically after heartbreak we start creating shit. We screw ourselves, we do things which we should never do. I think this is the time when we are too sensitive, even a single word could hurt us badly or could make us happy. We literally take arrows one by one in this situation.

Interestingly, some of us with the help heartbreak gets motivated and start building their carrier keeping everything aside which is really a very positive thing, even I believe that if you want to get rid of this situation then start building yourself or transfer its energy to do creative and productive work and please do share things don’t keep your feelings with yourselves it might ruin you.

At the end I would like to conclude by saying that LOVE your partner love the ones you love, don’t get scared from heartbreaks it’s just a phase of our life. I would rather say that love the person even harder after heartbreak and thank them because you might do something extraordinary because of them, but remember try not to annoy anyone.

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