20 Google Ads Extensions to Boost Your CTR Improve AdWords Click-Through Rate

20 Google Ads Extensions to Boost Your CTR Improve AdWords Click-Through Rate

20 Google Ads Extensions to Boost Your CTR Improve AdWords Click-Through Rate


Certainly! Here are 19+ Google Ads extensions that can help boost your click-through rate (CTR):


Sitelink Extensions: Add additional links to your ad that direct users to specific pages on your website, increasing the chances of them finding relevant information.


Call Extensions: Display your phone number alongside your ad, making it easier for users to contact your business directly.


Location Extensions: Show your business address and a map marker in your ad, allowing users to find your physical location easily.


Callout Extensions: Highlight specific offers, benefits, or features of your products or services directly in your ad text.


Structured Snippet Extensions: Showcase specific aspects or categories of your products or services in a structured format, providing more detailed information to users.


Promotion Extensions: Display special offers or promotions, such as discounts or free shipping, to attract users’ attention and encourage them to click on your ad.


Price Extensions: Show a list of your products or services with their corresponding prices directly in your ad, making it easier for users to see your offerings.


App Extensions: Promote your mobile app by including a link to download it directly from your ad, increasing app installations.


Review Extensions: Highlight positive reviews, testimonials, or awards your business has received, building trust and credibility with potential customers.


Affiliate Location Extensions: If you’re an advertiser working with affiliates, this extension allows you to show nearby affiliate locations to users.


Message Extensions: Add a messaging option to your ad, enabling users to send you a text message directly from the ad, facilitating communication.


Lead Form Extensions: Capture user information directly within the ad through a form submission, simplifying the lead generation process.


Price Comparison Extensions: Display a comparison of your prices with those of your competitors, showcasing your competitive pricing.


Image Extensions: Include relevant images alongside your ad to make it visually appealing and attract users’ attention.


Dynamic Structured Snippets: Automatically generate structured snippets based on your website’s content, providing additional details about your products or services.


Promotion Extensions for Hotel Ads: Highlight specific deals or promotions for hotel-related searches, such as discounted rates or special packages.


Seller Ratings Extensions: Display aggregated ratings and reviews from reputable sources alongside your ads, increasing trust and click-through rates.


Automated Extensions: These extensions are automatically generated by Google and include features such as consumer ratings, previous visits, and dynamic affiliate location extensions.


Social Extensions: Showcase the number of followers your business has on social media platforms, leveraging social proof to encourage user engagement.


Remember to choose extensions that align with your advertising goals and ensure they provide value to users by offering relevant and compelling information.


Digital Marketing