Shri Krishna Janmashtami Mahotsav

Shri Krishna Janmashtami Mahotsav

Janmashtami is a main festival of Hindus. This festival is celebrated with great enthusiasm all over India. Janmashtami is a celebrated as the birth of Lord Sri Krishna. According to the Hindu calendar, Janmashtami is celebrated every year on the month of Bhadrapadha.


He was born at midnight of this day. Lord Krishna was born in Mathura. Sri Krishna was the eighth son of Devaki and Vasudeva. He is considered as an avatar of Lord krishna. Krishna’s birthday is celebrated with great pomp in Mathura and Vrindavan. Mathura and Vrindavan are very famous all over world because Lord Krishna spent his childhood in this place.




Lord Krishna has played an important role in the war of Mahabharata. Lord Krishna was born to free the world from evil. This is one of the most joyous celebration for the Hindus. Janmashtami festival is very famous for Dahi – Handi in Maharashtra. Because of that he always used to steal it from his mother’s kitchen.


Therefore his name was Natkahat Nand Lal. Sri krishna was dark colored. So he was worried about color. Many people observe a fast on Janmashtami, allowing themselves only one meal the day before.


People visit temples to seek blessings from Lord krishna. On this auspicious day, followers organize plays and dance events based on Lord Krishnas life and renowned tale of his birth is told at Hindu temples. it is made with fresh homemade butter that is mixed with rock sugar or sugar and offered to the deity.






also popularly known as Gokulastami is the festival of the mighty Lord Krishna. On the preceding day, devotees keep a vigil and fast until midnight, the traditional hour of this birth. Then the image of Krishna is bathed in water and milk, dressed in New clothes, and worshipped.


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