1. Exercise & Nutrition

Eating right and keeping active won’t make your stress disappear. But it will help to reduce the emotional intensity you are feeling.

Work Smarter, Not Harder

One of the ways to optimize your work and help stave off workplace stress is to ‘work smarter, not harder’. This helps to reduce unnecessary workload

Connect Your Colleagues

We all have that one person at work we can chat too. Having a colleague you can talk too when your stressed is a great way to reduce workplace stress


Meditation is an excellent way to ease the stress and anxiety you might be feeling, and it can improve energy levels and mood in the work environment.

Sleep Enough

If you get less than seven to eight hours of sleep, your body won’t tolerate stress as well as it could.

Listen to Music

No matter what the song, sometimes belting out the lyrics to a favorite tune makes everything seem all right.

Sip Green Tea

Green tea is a source of L-Theanine, a chemical that helps relieve anger. Boil the water, pour it out, and take a soothing sip.

Close Your Eyes

Take a quick break from a busy office or a chaotic household by just lowering your eyelids. It’s an easy way to regain calm and focus.


Standing up for a quick stretch can relieve muscle tension and help you relax during a stressful workday. Try a shoulder roll-out

Be Alone

Five minutes of alone time can help you collect your thoughts and clear your head.

Rebalance Work/Home

All work and no play? If you’re spending too much time at the office, intentionally put more dates in your calendar to enjoy time for fun, either alone or with others.

Chillout Zone

Create a chillout zone in the workplace somewhere. Giving people a place to destress when needs be. Think about adding beanbags, hammocks, books, board games, and plants.